How Playing an Instrument Benefits your Brain IELTS
Choose A, B, C, or D for each of the questions.
1. What happens when we listen to music?
2. Which areas of our brain are involved when playing a musical instrument?
3. What’s the left hemisphere involved in?
4. What’s the bridge between the two brain hemispheres called?
5. How do musicians improve their memory skills?
6. What have scientists found?
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Question 1: Answer is C
Relevant Line: “Multiple areas of their brains were lighting up at once, as they processed the sound, took it apart to understand elements like melody and rhythm…”
Question 2: Answer is C
Relevant Line: “Playing a musical instrument engages practically every area of the brain at once, especially the visual, auditory, and motor cortices.”
Question 3: Answer is A
Relevant Line: “It also combines the linguistic and mathematical precision, in which the left hemisphere is more involved…”
Question 4: Answer is D
Relevant Line: “…playing music has been found to increase the volume and activity in the brain’s corpus callosum, the bridge between the two hemispheres.”
Question 5: Answer is B
Relevant Line: “Studies have found that musicians appear to use their highly connected brains to give each memory multiple tags, such as a conceptual tag, an emotional tag, an audio tag…”
Question 6: Answer is A
Relevant Line: “Playing a music instrument enhances brain functions more than other activities…”